5th April 2021
We’re sticking with the 70% dark so that this batch is comparable to our first attempt, and sticking with the 10% cocoa butter. This is what we put in batch 2:
Since we thought our first roast was underdone, we went for a longer roast this time, including a longer stint at the higher initial temperature.
The beans were definitely more done than the first attempt, and we initially wondered whether they might be overdone, but concluded that they were definitely better.
We tried to keep the refining the same as the first batch, but we went over by half an hour.
Compared to the first batch, this batch tasted a bit darker and more chocolatey. The flavour didn’t take as long to develop in the mouth, and was richer and more pleasant. We were impressed with the level of improvement we achieved.
We want to experiment more with the roast while keeping other variables as similar as possible for the next batch. This batch was definitely better, but we wonder how much farther we can improve it.